Kalanti Regional Museum
At the Kalanti Regional Museum, located in Kalanti’s Männäinen, you can learn about peasant culture...
Kalanti sports field
Intented use: The Kalanti sports field is suitable, for example, for athletics and playing football...
Karhuluoto beach
Description of the beach: Freshwater lake. Large rocky area with a small sandy beach. There is a...
Kasarminlahti accessible and easy nature trail
Ulkoilu ja retkeily
The accessible nature trail provides an opportunity to go safely into the forest and near the water...
Kasarminlahti lean-to
Ulkoilu ja retkeily
The Kasarminlahti bivouacs is located at a comfortable walking distance, south of the city centre...
Kasarminlahti nature trail
Ulkoilu ja retkeily
The Kasarminlahti route covers several kilometers of trails through varied landscapes. You can...