Kasarminlahti accessible and easy nature trail
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Kasarminlahdentie 8
The Kasarminlahti is located at a comfortable walking distance, south of the city centre.
The starting point of the accessible route is at Kasarminlahdentie 8. Near to the starting point, there is also a spacious parking area for cars.
The starting point of the accessible route is at Kasarminlahdentie 8. Near to the starting point, there is also a spacious parking area for cars.
The paths and resting platforms along the accessible route are wide and have a crushed stone surface. A long, gently sloping wooden ramp with railings leads to the accessible birdwatching platform.
The accessible nature trail provides an opportunity to go safely into the forest and near the water to observe nature. The Kasarminlahti area is rich in birdlife and serves as a resting place for migratory birds.
The accessible trail and birdwatching platform cater to a diverse range of users. In addition to people with mobility impairments and the elderly, families with young children, for example, can easily traverse the path with their strollers.
During the summer, cows graze in the wetland area along the Kasarminlahti shore, and the enclosure partially borders the nature trail.
Accessible services:
- nature trail 1,1 km
- viewing platform for observing nature
- outdoor toilet
- benches