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Support and assistance in the event of an emergency
You do not have to struggle on your own if the state of the world and Ukraine especially worries and scares you. Here is a list of sites that offer counselling in the event of an emergency.
Registration for temporary protection
All Ukrainians arriving in Finland are encouraged to register as an applicant for temporary protection or asylum as soon as possible. Registration is important in order to give asylum seekers access to the necessary assistance. The Southwestern Finland Police
The granting of temporary protection makes it possible to provide protection to a limited number of people in a faster and lighter process than the asylum procedure. Currently, temporary protection residence permits are issued until 4 March 2025, but extension permits may still be issued after that date, unless the Council of the European Union lifts its decision on temporary protection.
Through temporary protection, Ukrainians arriving in Finland have access to reception services at reception centres as any other asylum seekers would. They also have the right to accommodation, schooling, day care and health care, and their necessary livelihood is to be guaranteed. In addition, they have a direct right to work and study once they have received a positive protection decision.

Basic education of Ukrainians in Uusikaupunki
The Ukrainians coming to Finland for temporary protection have the right to preschool and basic education. Ukrainians will primarily receive native Ukrainian education remotely, if possible. In school, the pupils will be supported with distance learning and studying the Finnish language. We also provide the pupils the opportunity for community, play, friends and school meals, as well as other services of pupil welfare.
We organise basic education for Ukrainians in the following schools:
- Kalanti school (contact person: Headmaster Johanna Kivistö)
- Lokalahti School (contact person: Headmaster Veli-Pekka Virtanen)
- Uusikaupunki comprehensive school (contact person: School secretary Mia Karhu)
If you have not enrolled yet, please get in touch with the contact person of your nearest school. Adult social work office ARVO also advises on school matters.
Instructions and support online
Frequently asked questions about the situation in Ukraine on the Finnish Immigration Service website
In English: Frequently asked questions regarding the situation in Ukraine | Finnish Immigration Service
Suomeksi: Usein kysytyt kysymykset Ukrainan tilanteesta | Maahanmuuttovirasto
På svenska: Svar på vanliga frågor om situationen i Ukraina | Migrationsverket
What to do when the war upsets you? Find help and support on the Finnish Red Cross website
In English: Ukraine crisis may feel disturbing | Finnish Red Cross
Suomeksi: Miten toimia, jos sota järkyttää? | Suomen Punainen Risti
På svenska: Hur man agerar om kriget gör dig upprörd? | Finlands Röda Kors
Instructions for staying in a private accommodation
In English: Staying in private accommodation | Finnish Immigration Service
In Finnish: Majoittuminen yksityismajoituksessa | Maahanmuuttovirasto
In Swedish: Privat inkvartering | Migrationsverket
Information for home accomodation
In English: Home Accommodation Network
In Finnish: Kotimajoitusverkosto
In Swedish: Nätverket för heminkvartering
Instructions for arriving in Finland from Ukraine
In English: Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine | Finnish Immigration Service
In Finnish: Toimintaohjeita, jos saavut Ukrainasta Suomeen | Maahanmuuttovirasto
In Swedish: Anvisningar till dig som kommer till Finland från Ukraina | Migritationsverket
In Ukrainian: Інструкції для тих, хто приїжджає у Фінляндію з України | Maahanmuuttovirasto
Pets traveling with refugees from Ukraine with their pets under force majeure circumstances
In English: Isolation instructions for dogs, cats and ferrets in special situations
In Finnish: Ohjeet lemmikkien eristämiseen Suomeen saapumisen jälkeen
In Ukrainian: Інструкції стосовно ізоляції собак, котів та тхорів в особливих ситуаціях
More articles in Finnish can be found on the Finnish crisis website
Councelling via phone and chats online
Mieli – Finnish Mental Health Association's crisis phone (in Finnish, Swedish, English and Arabic)
- The on-call service is available at +358 9 2525 0113 in English and Arabian (Mon, Tue 11:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m., Wed 1:00–4:00 p.m. and 5:00–9:00 p.m. and Thu 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
- Crisis helpline in Finnish available 24/7 at +358 9 2525 0111
- Swedish helpline Kristelefon available at +358 9 2525 0112 (Mon, Wed 4:00–8:00 p.m. and Tue, Thu, Fri 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
The helpline of the Ukrainian Association in Finland and the Family Federation of Finland (in Ukrainian)
- Support helpline Monday–Friday from 12 p.m. to 18 p.m., +358 406 684 101
- Targeted to Ukrainian asylum seekers and those who apply for temporary protectionin Finland
How can I help the victims of this crisis?
Supply aid for those arriving in Uusikaupunki
You can deliver undamaged and usable supplies to the Adult Reception Arvo. The goods delivered to the centre are distributed to the refugees arriving in Uusikaupunki.
You may donate, for example:
- Clothing of all sizes
- Outerwear and shoes
- Baby care supplies
- Hygiene products
- Toys, games and other supplies
NB! The reception of all supplies and goods has been temporarily suspended due to an excess of supply.
We will give out a separate notification where there is a need for more donations. We want to thank everyone for donating!
See also:
How can I help? - Red Cross (in English)
Ukraine emergency appeal - Fida (in English)
Help Ukrainian children - (in Finnish)
Help Ukrainian Children - Save the Children (in Finnish)
Sponsor a child - SOS-Children’s Villages (in Finnish)
War in Ukraine - Finn Church Aid (in Finnish)