Youth center Vantti
Vuorikatu 11
23500 Uusikaupunki
Openings of Youth center Vantti 2.9-17.12.2024
6th grade from 14.00-16.00
7th grade - 17 years old from17.00-20.00
7th grade - 17 years old from 15.00-17.00
7th grade - 17 years old from 15.00-17.00
Open in the evenings on odd-numbered weeks
7th grade - 17 years old from 17.45-19.30
11.9. / 25.9. / 9.10. / 23.10. / 6.11. / 4.12.
7th grade - 17 years old from 15.00-17.00
5th grade from 13.00-15.00
6.9. / 13.9. / 27.9. / 4.10. / 25.10. / 8.11. / 22.11. / 29.11.
Vantti is open once in a month on fridays to 7th grade - 17 years old from 18-20 and 8th grade - 17 years old from 20-22 on following days 20.9. / 11.10. / 1.11. / 13.12.
The youth center is closed: 20.11/ 14-15.11. / 6.12
During the autumn break, there will be special programming at the youth centers, which will be announced separately.