Youth center Vantti

biljaridipöydässä palloja valmiina peliä varten

Vuorikatu 11
23500 Uusikaupunki

Opening hours
Vantti is open from 8.1-31.5.2024:

Monday clock 14-16 / 6th grade
clock 17-20 / 7th grade-17 years old

Tuedsay clock 15-17 / 7th grade-17 years old

Wednesday clock 15-16.30 / 7th grade-17years old and also odd weeks at clock 17.45-19.30/ 7th grade-17-years old

Thursday clock 15-17 / 7th grade-17years old

On friday nights 19.1/ 16.2/ 15.3/ 19.4/ 17.5 clock 18-22 / 7th grade-17years old

Vantti is closed:
9.2, 24. - 25.4, 8.5 and on Finnish Feast days.
At the holiday week 8 youth houses are not open normally.