Environmental Health Committee
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The Environmental Health Committee is responsible for preventing and reducing health hazards and harm caused by the human environment, and to promote the health and well-being of the population by monitoring and improving the health of the environment.
The Environmental Health Committee operates as a common institution and it is responsible for managing environmental health in accordance with the Local Government Act. The committee acts as a health protection authority in accordance with Section 7 of the Health Protection Act, as a municipal supervisory authority in accordance with Section 16 of the Consumer Safety Act, and it is responsible for the tasks specified in the Food Act, the Tobacco Act and the Veterinary Care Act. The committee also acts as the licensing and supervisory authority on the sale of nicotine products.
- Chairperson Aaltonen Esa (esa.aaltonen@wippies.fi), alternate member Salminen Ritva (ritva.salminen@saunalahti.fi)
- Vice-chairperson Virtanen Simo, alternate member Laine Tino
- Member Nevavuori Jari (jari@nevavuori.fi), alternate member Jaakkola Heidi
- Member Virtanen Lasse, alternate member Sainio Essi (essi64es@gmail.com)
- Member Savela Hanna-Kaisa, alternate member Heinonen Pasi
- Member Virtanen Kirsi (kirsi-marjatta.virtanen@dnainternet.net), alternate member Tuusa Sari (sameritu1@gmail.com)
- Member Nikkarla Touko (touko037@gmail.com), alternate member Hyytiäinen Mikko
- Member Jaakola Timo, alternate member Yrjälä Rami-Matti
- Member Jaakkola Marianne, alternate member Mäkisalo Anne
- Member Ucke Silvi (silvi.ucke@kustavi.fi), alternate member Ahokas Olli-Pekka
- Member Saloniemi Riitta (info@saloniemenjuustola.fi), alternate member Huunonen Riikka (riikka.huunonen.lh@laitila.fi)
- Member Lahtonen Hanna, alternate member Koivula Hannele
Youth Council representative Adaeze Adigwe, deputy representative Tuulia Turunen
Rappourteur: Director of Environmental Health Kaisa Nivola (kaisa.nivola@uusikaupunki.fi)
Secretary: Administrative Coordinator Eeva Nummi (eeva.nummi@uusikaupunki.fi)
The date of next meeting: Will be decided and announced later.
The board meets about three times a year. The time of the next meeting is agreed upon in the meetings.