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Aurinkolinna daycare centre
Office hours
Mo - Fr: 6:30–17:00
Kasarminlahdentie 6, 23500 Uusikaupunki
Building supervision
Exception opening hours
The inspectors can only be seen by appointment.
Appointments can be made by calling 044 551 5313 or 040 775 3789 (Finnish)
Appointments can be made by calling 044 551 5313 or 040 775 3789 (Finnish)
Mörnenkatu 2, 23500 UUSIKAUPUNKI
Civic Centre Mörne
Office hours
Mo - Fr: 9:00–15:00
Exception opening hours
Mörne is closed from Monday to Friday between 12-13 PM.
Mörnenkatu 2, Uusikaupunki, 23500 Uusikaupunki
Co-working and remote workspace MESSI
Exception opening hours
Regular customers can access the workspace with an access card.
Koulukatu 7, 23500 Uusikaupunki