Central Electoral Commission
The Central Electoral Commission is a statutory municipal board that operates in all general elections: municipal and regional elections and state elections. Its term of office is four years, corresponding to the council's term of office. The Central Electoral Commission is elected at the first meeting of the new council and the term of office begins immediately. The municipality therefore always has a competent central election board.
The municipality's central election board consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman and three other members, as well as the necessary number of deputy members, but at least five.
- Chairperson Nurminen Kari (karioke920@gmail.com)
- Vice-chairperson Järvinen Timo A.
- Member Oksa Pirjo
- Member Virtanen Vuokko
- Member Tuominen Markku
Alternate members
- Myllymäki Lea
- Santala Jyrki
- Nygård Åke (ake.nyard5@gmail.com)
- Saari Mikko
- Hämeenkorpi Marketta
Secretary: Outi Verha