Wintteri digital library

Multipurpose building Wintteri has two digital libraries. Digilibrary Augusta is located on the education side of the building. In the lobby of the swimming hall, you will find a stall for digitized newspapers, a loaning cabinet for adult literature, and a cabinet for retrieving and returning reservations.

The swimming hall library is in use during normal swimming hall operation hours. In the loaning cabinet you will find a collection of fact and fiction aimed for adults. Most of the books have a loantime of 28 days, specifically marked Jokeri-loans have 14 days of loantime. You need a library card and a PIN-number to loan and return.

In the digilibrary you will find two separate reading stands for digitized newspapers. On them you may freely read ePress-newspapers in Finnish. If the stalls are in use, you may use ePress on your own device, when connected into the library Wi-Fi. A QR code at the stall has been provided to easily connect to the network.

The lobby has a collection of newspapers that are free to read in the library and café.

One of the newspaper stalls has been reserved for citizen's survey until the end of March.

Next to the newspapers there is a reservation pick-up spot, that works similar to a package retrieval locker. After choosing Wintteri as your reservation pick-up spot, you will receive a notification when the book is ready to be picked up. Follow the locker instructions when picking up your reservation. You will not receive a paper receipt, but it is possible to direct receipts into your email address. It's also possible to return any Vaski library loans into the locker. Choose the return option from the locker screen, and follow the instructions.

Digilibrary Augusta is open for everyone starting from 3pm. During the school day the space and amenities are in use for the students and teachers only. In Augusta you can find a loaning cabinet for children and youth, and six Hublets, with which you can use the internet and mobile apps. The Hublets are loaned with your library card, and returned to the dock. The loaning time is 2 hours. Hublets work in Wintteri's wireless internet, in the learning space only, and are not allowed to be taken outside. With the Hublet you can use personal web services safely.

Library staff is available in Wintteri on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 1pm to 3pm. At other times you can contact the library with the information below.