Uusikaupunki Comprehensive School

Uusikaupunki comprehensive school is the central school of the Uusikaupunki urban area. The school offers a safe, encouraging and open learning environment. Students have access to music classes, flexible basic education classes and special classes.
The school is located in the centre of town and it is surrounded by versatile sports facilities such as a sports hall, swimming pool, ice rink, sand artificial turf, a disc golf course and a cross-country skiing track. Other important facilities, such as the library, museums, churches, etc., are also within a walking distance from the school.
The school operates in a few different premises:
Pohitulli (Pohjoistullitie 3), grades 3–9
Premises of the Uusikaupunki Parish Centre (Koulukatu 6), grades 1–2
Välskäri school (Kasarmilahdentie 2)
The school's motto:
"Easy-going and responsible"
School in numbers:
Grades: 1 - 9
Students in the academic year 2022 - 2023: 670