TE services reform 2024

From the beginning of 2025, municipalities will assume responsibility for the employment services offered to jobseekers and employers. The current TE Offices will be discontinued, and your municipality will help you in employment matters.

Valid customer relationships in employment services will continue automatically in 2025. This does not require any action from you.

During the current year, all service transactions, including registration as a customer, take place with the TE Office as usual. 

We will publish more detailed instructions on using services on our website during the autumn.

What does this change mean?

Transferring your services to Uusikaupunki does not affect the validity of your job search or the tasks or services that have already been agreed upon with you. Your municipality will provide you with instructions on using the services, and you do not need to re-register as a jobseeker or contact the municipality in regard to the transfer. If necessary, we will contact you personally.

Register as a jobseeker in the Job Market Finland e-service. Job Market Finland will continue to be a meeting place for jobs and employees. You can find work-related information and services as well as vacancies in the service. When you log in to Job Market Finland, you can create e.g. a job applicant profile or a job advertisement. 

You can always contact your municipality in matters related to your job search or recruitment of employees. If necessary, your municipality will help you forward. 

Uusikaupunki is part of the Turku employment area

Your municipality's employment authority is the Turku employment area. Turku's employment area comprises 23 municipalities in Southwest Finland, and Turku is responsible for it. The employment area consists of the following municipalities: Aura, Kaarina, Kemiönsaari, Kustavi, Laitila, Lieto, Loimaa, Masku, Mynämäki, Naantali, Nousiainen, Oripää, Paimio, Pargas, Pyhäranta, Pöytyä, Raisio, Rusko, Sauvo, Taivassalo, Turku, Uusikaupunki and Vehmaa. 

Local services (i.e. a service point) are planned from 1 January 2025 in the following municipalities:

  • Kaarina
  • Laitila
  • Lieto (also serves Aura)
  • Loimaa (also serves Oripää and Pöytyä)
  • Paimio (also serves Sauvo)
  • Raisio (also serves Naantali, Masku, Mynämäki, Nousiainen and Rusko)
  • Pargas (also serves Kemiönsaari)
  • Uusikaupunki (also serves Kustavi, Pyhäranta, Taivassalo and Vehmaa)
  • Turku (host municipality)

Read more about the Turku employment area and the employment service reform on the preparation website: Preparation of the Turku employment area | Turku.fi

Contact us:

In matters related to the Turku employment area, you can contact your municipality or the preparation team of the Turku employment area.  You can also send an anonymous question about the preparation or the employment area through the webpage. Questions and answers are published in the FAQ.