Social work for adults

Social work for adults means planned social work conducted with people over the age of 18. The objective of adult social work is to support the person’s ability to function and prevent the emergence of social problems. In the assessment of the need for services, the customer's life situation, strengths and resources are mapped. The social workers work together with the customer to find solutions for improving the customer’s life situation and to help them find motivation for change.

Assessment of the need for services is conducted at Arvo, the office for adult social work. Arvo has a highly professional team consisting of a nurse, a practical nurse, and a social worker. At Arvo you can have your need for services assessed, and you will be directed to the services you require quickly and flexibly. The staff at Arvo will discuss your situation with you and suggest possible supportive measures.

You can contact our adult social work team if you need help and support for example in the following situations:

  • you need support in coping with everyday life and planning ahead,
  • you are unemployed and need guidance in planning for your future,
  • you have problems with your housing or you need a flat,
  • you have face an unexpected life crisis
  • you are facing challenges related to substance abuse of mental health problems, and you need support and guidance,
  • you are in debt or need guidance related to social security or other services.

The adult social work team provides the following services:

  • social work and social counselling
  • supplementary and preventive social assistance
  • social rehabilitation
  • work rehabilitation
  • workshop activities
  • cross-sectoral joint service promoting employment (TYP) together with TE services and Kela
  • housing services for substance abuse and mental health rehabilitees