Pohitulli Powerlifting Gym
Pohjoistullitie 3
23500 Uusikaupunki
Access rights are for goal-oriented weightlifting and powerlifting only.
The gym is equipped with a wide lifting platform, squat racks, a bench press, cable machines, free weights, and other common gym/powerlifting equipment.
The gym is not intended for general fitness or recreational exercise.
Users of the powerlifting gym must complete a form justifying the need for access to the powerlifting gym.
Once the application has been processed, approved applicants will be contacted and invited to pick up their keys.
Please return the completed application form:
nuoriso.liikunta@uusikaupunki.fi or return it to the sports services office.
The exterior door has a Pustec wristband system, and a traditional key is required for the interior door.