Dog park in Santtio

Muut viheralueet
Koirapuiston menoa


Opening hours
You can get a key for a deposit of €15 at the service point Passari or at Mörne civic centre. 
Rules, instructions and safety
  • You are responsible for your dog. Dogs must not be left alone in the park. 
  • Please keep the area clean; throw all waste in a rubbish bin. Please close the gate. 
  • Please behave sensibly. The consumption of alcohol in the area is prohibited. 
  • Please do not give your dog toys or treats inside the park, as other dogs may get jealous. Please do not break any branches off the trees for your dog to fetch. 
  • Keep your dog off the leash so that they feel they are in the same position as the other dogs. 
  • The park is not a children's playground. Not all dogs are used to children, even if some children may be used to having a family dog. 
  • Your dog must have all the necessary vaccinations. Please do not bring angry or sick dogs, or dogs on heat into the park. 
  • Please do not give your dog park key to anyone else. 
Technical data and equipment

The dog park is a fenced area where dogs can run free. The dog park has two fenced areas, one for small and one for larger dogs. The dog park is kept locked.

Dog bag dispensers: 

There are over 20 dog bag dispensers across Uusikaupunki. Please help yourself to a biodegradable bag from a dispenser. Used bags can be thrown into any city-maintained rubbish bins in parks or in the street. You can check the locations of dog bag dispensers in the City's map service.