Silk and Sea Charts Summer Exhibition, Iso Vehanen Island, Uusikaupunki

Open around the clock.

Summer Gallery Strandstugan, Iso Vehanen Island

silkkiä ja merikarttoja näyttely

Opening on July 5 from 5 PM to 7 PM. Welcome! 
At one time, the porch of the old Iso-Vehasen croft was moved to the shore and a small cottage, "Strandstugan," was built. In 2022, the cottage was renovated into a summer gallery, as the owner, Ingrid Biese, had long dreamed of showcasing her art in the archipelago, where she draws so much inspiration for her artworks. The cottage is located on a peninsula on Iso Vehanen Island, where the sea is close and terns hover. The place is peaceful and perfect for a picnic outing. The gallery operates on a self-service basis and is open 24/7 during the summer exhibition.

Strandstugan can be reached by boat. You can dock at the pier on the west side of Naskalviiki on Iso Vehanen. First, follow the line formed by two white boards from the green beacon at Rantakarit, then drive to the middle of the bay to the pier. The gallery is about a 200-meter walk from the pier.

INGRID BIESE is a silk artist, work-life researcher, and author from Espoo and Iso Vehanen in the summer: “My passion is painting on silk; there is something very special about it. The colors spread and blend on the fabric, and you never know what will happen. My greatest inspiration is Finnish nature and the archipelago. I depict the changing colors of the archipelago in photorealistic works and the forms of nature as stripped-down and elegant silhouettes.”

JONAS HAFRÉN has been painting both oil paintings and watercolors since the early 2000s. In recent years, most of his subjects have been seabirds painted on nautical charts, but occasionally other species as well. On nautical charts, watercolor birds and the routes and depth markings form an intriguing whole. Jonas is an amateur painter and usually works with the evaluation and financing of start-up companies. Painting serves as relaxation in the midst of everyday life.