Street plans
Street plans are regulated by the Land Use and Building Act and the Land Use and Building Decree.
Visible street plans
There are currently no street plans available for viewing. The availability of street plans is always announced on the electronic notice board on the City's website and in local newspapers. Street plans are also displayed in electronic form at the service point Passari.

Opportunities for citizen participation
- during the preparation phase, you may express your views while the street plan is available for viewing
- implicated parties may also leave a written reminder regarding a street plan proposal. Reminders must be submitted no later than at 3 p.m. on the last day of availability of the street plan.
You can submit your opinion or create a reminder via the available form. Forms must be delivered to the City's Registry during the time that the street plan is available for viewing. Form is available only in Finnish.

You may follow the progress of plans online by reading the minutes of the technical committee. Those who have left a reminder will be informed about the progress of the case personally.