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20.3.2023 13:20

Parliamentary elections 2023

The advance voting begins on Wednesday  22.3.2023 eleven days before election day and ends abroad on Saturday 25.3 eight days and in Finland on Tuesday 28.3.2023 five days before election day.

Voting is a fundamental right of every adult citizen. Every Finnish citizen who has reached the age of 18 years has the right to vote in parliamentary elections. During the 22–28 March advance voting period, eligible voters are free to vote at any advance polling station.

On the actual election day, 2 April, you will only be able to vote at the official polling station of your own voting area. Everyone with the right to vote is sent a notice that contains information on the location of both advance polling stations and their official polling station on election day.

At the polling station, you will be required to confirm your identity with a driving licence, passport, a police-issued ID card, or a similar valid official identity card with a photo.

Voting in advance 22. - 28.3.2023

Co-working and remote work space Messi, Koulukatu 7

  • Wed 22. - Fri 24.3.2023  10.00- 18.00
  • Sat 25.3.2023  10.00- 14.00
  • Sun 26.3.2023 12.00- 16.00
  • Mon 27. - Tue 28.3.2023 10.00- 20.00

You can also vote in advance in voting bus:

On saturday 25.3.2023

  • 10.00–11.00    Suurikkala library car bus stop, Raumantie
  • 11.30–13.00    Pyhämaa market, Pyhämaanraitti 34
  • 13.30–14.30    Kammela market, Lyökintie 416
  • 15.00–16.00    Lepäisten library car bus stop, Lepäistentie 881

On sunday 26.3.2023

  • 10.00–11.00    Hallu library car bus stop, Kallelantie
  • 11.30–12.30    Sairinen library car bus stop, Häähäntie
  • 13.00–14.00    Lahti library car bus stop, Lahdentie 628
  • 14.30–16.00    Kalanti library, Pankkitie 2

On monday 27.3.2023

  • 09.00–10.00    Varanpää library car bus stop, Varanpääntie 607
  • 10.45–12.00    Pinipaju school, Taivassalontie 704
  • 12.30–14.30    Lokalahti library car bus stop, Palomäentie (in front of church)

Voting on Election Day 2.4.2023

On election day 2 april 2023 the polling stations are open between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. On election day, you may only vote at your own polling station, i.e. at the polling station indicated on the ballot paper received by you. The statement of voting rights itself is not required for the vote, but you can take it with you if you wish. If for some reason you have not received the notification, you can inquire about it and / or its information content from the Digital and Demographic Information Agency.

Polling stations on election day 2.4.2023

  • 001 Center, Co-working and remote work space Messi, Koulukatu 7
  • 002 Hakametsä, Hakametsä school, Tammitie 8-10
  • 003 Saarnisto, Saarnisto school, Santtiontie 15-17
  • 004 Lokalahti, Lokalahti school, Erkontie 57
  • 005 Pyhämaa, Pyhämaa nuorisoseurantalo, Pyhämaantie 1076
  • 006 Kalanti, Kalanti Library, Pankkitie 2
