Maternity clinics
Contact your local maternity clinic right after you have confirmed pregnancy. The maternity clinic monitors your pregnancy until birth. Post-natal visits and follow-ups are also conducted at the maternity clinic. The maternity clinic provides appointments for doctors and nurses as well as ultrasound examinations and prenatal screening. The appointments are used to ensure the health and wellbeing of the baby as well as the whole family.
Nurse and maternity clinic doctor by appointment only.
Appointments and other phone counselling Mon–Fri from 12 am to 1 pm
Uusikaupunki maternity clinic
Uusikaupunki health centre, 1st floor, Terveystie 4, 23500 Uusikaupunki
Area 1: (Hiu, Janhua, town centre, Ketunkallio, Lepäinen, Pietola, Pyhämaa, Pyhäranta, Saarnisto, Santtio, Sorvakko, Vohdensaari, Ykskoivu)
Nurse Jaana Kantola tel. +358 44 700 2130
Area 2: (Haapaniemi, Hakametsä, Kalanti, Lokalahti, Orivo, Palomettä, Raumantie, Ruokola, Salmi, Sundholma)
Nurse Marjo Ahanen tel. +358 440 512 130
Vehmaa maternity clinic
Margaretantie 15, 23210 Vehmaa, Nurse Sari Jalava tel. +358 44 594 3306
Taivassalo maternity clinic (Taivassalo + Kustavi)
Apulanpolku 1, 23310 Taivassalo, Nurse Sari Jalava tel. +358 44 594 3306