Lokalahti school

Currently, Lokalahti primary school is the only school operating in Lokalahti. The school offers an encouraging, experimental, open and versatile learning environment. Lokalahti school is an idyllic, experiential and communal village school that participates in the Schools on the Move programme.
Lokalahti school is located 500 m south of the church, in the direction of Taivassalo. The school has been running since 1893.
The school’s learning environment is developed actively, with a constant effort to take advantage of the school’s surroundings, including woodland, the seaside, sports field/ice rink and disc golf course for carrying out different activities. The school also organises trips to farms and activity days, etc., to enable versatile learning. Cooperation with different clubs and associations is also valued.
Lokalahti school motto:
Student-oriented, easy-going, and with a spirit of solidarity
School in numbers
Grades: 1 - 6
Students in the academic year 2022 - 2023: 82
Teaching groups: 5