Invoicing and payment
Invoices addressed to the City of Uusikaupunki
Enterprises may invoice the City of Uusikaupunki using e-invoices
The City of Uusikaupunki mainly deploys e-invoices. E-invoices speed up the invoicing process, improve efficiency and help reduce errors in the processing of purchase invoices, in addition to being more cost effective.
CGI Suomi Oy acts as the network operator delivering the e-invoices to the City of Uusikaupunki.
Invoicing information
Uudenkaupungin kaupunki
OVT number 003701440366001
Uudenkaupungin Vesi liikelaitos
OVT number 003701440366002
Vakka-Suomen Vesi liikelaitos
OVT number 003701440366006
The OVT number of the City’s network operator CGI is 003703575029
The business ID of the City of Uusikaupunki is 0144036-6
If you are not able to send an e-invoice, please submit a paper invoice to our accounts payable scanning service at one of the following addresses:
City of Uusikaupunki
Ordering unit, project, etc.
PL 13
23501 Uusikaupunki
City of Uusikaupunki
Uudenkaupungin Vesi liikelaitos
PL 9
23501 Uusikaupunki
City of Uusikaupunki
Vakka-Suomen Vesi liikelaitos
PL 9
23501 Uusikaupunki
Or via email at
Invoices must include the following information:
- The business ID of the City of Uuskaupunki: 0144036-6
- The City of Uusikaupunki as the recipient of the invoice
- Unit name (field, service area, school, kindergarten)
- The order number field must contain the customer ID/cost pool as indicated by the customer (additional information in the supplier letter)
- Possible order agreement number
Invoices issued by the City of Uusikaupunki
You can receive all sales invoices from the City of Uusikaupunki as e-invoices if you select the City of Uusikaupunki as the issuer of the invoice. E-invoices are electronic invoices that you will receive through your internet banking service. The e-invoice has been developed jointly by banks, so it is a safe way to receive and pay invoices. If you already pay your invoices online, you may consider giving the e-invoice a try. It makes paying even easier.
Uusikaupunki City bank accounts
Uudenkaupungin kaupunki
Lounais-Suomen Osuuspankki
FI56 5491 0220 0004 54
Uudenkaupungin Vesi
Lounais-Suomen Osuuspankki
FI88 5491 0220 0767 02
Vakka-Suomen Vesi
Lounais-Suomen Osuuspankki
FI22 5491 0220 0771 14