Low-threshold mountain biking group rides on Sundays from May 5 to November 24.

Departure from the shore of Lake Ruokolanjärvi at the so-called "Penguin Park," Vakka-Suomenkatu.

Maastopyöräilyä yhteislenkillä

Mountain Biking with a Low Threshold. Open to everyone, mountain biking group rides are held on Sundays with a departure time of 6 PM. The starting point is Penguin Park in Uusikaupunki, on the shore of Lake Ruokolanjärvi. You can join the mountain bike ride with ease, and first-timers are very welcome. The pace and route will be adjusted according to the participants' skill levels.

Dress according to the weather, and wearing a helmet is a safety requirement for participation. Protective gear, such as riding gloves, is also recommended. The events organized by Suomen Latu/Vakka-Suomen Latu are covered by accident insurance and liability insurance. Participants are also advised to have their own comprehensive accident insurance.

For more information: V-S Latu Cycling Instructor Timo Majuri, phone: 040 7427 222.