
by Risto Vuorimies
pictures from 1973–76
Love Records was one of the central focuses of my photography. The record label was founded in 1966 and went bankrupt in 1979.
The 1970s transformed the history of rock music into entirely new directions. In the previous decade, most Finnish rock artists sang in English (with a few daring exceptions), but it was during the 1970s that the Finnish language began to gain solid ground among the rock singers. Some artists even performed exclusively in Finnish.
Love Records championed the use of Finnish in pop and rock music. Artists like Juice Leskinen, Mikko Alatalo, Rauli Somerjoki, Muska, Kirka, and Hector among others performed entirely in Finnish.
Meanwhile, bands such as Wigwam, Tasavallan Presidentti, and, of course, Hurriganes continued to perform and record in English. Hurriganes, in particular, skyrocketed to the pinnacle of rock ‘n’ roll, performing on numerous stages in Finland. For a time it was the most popular band in Finland, bringing both fame and success, along with its share of losses.
At the beginning of the 1970s, we were in our early twenties, brimming with enthusiasm. Today, some of the individuals featured in these photos have passed away, while others are aging musicians still working with younger generations to preserve their bands’ original image. And they’re doing a remarkable job, bridging the gap between generations.
The purpose of these photos is to showcase the state of Finnish bands and artists at that time. From today’s perspective, these images, taken about fifty years ago, have become significant documents in Finnish music history.
Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Museum Centre Vapriikki and Kuusankoskitalo have supported the exhibition.
– Risto Vuorimies
Exhibition opening and a lecture
The opening of the exhibition will take place on 10 January 2024 at 17:00. From around 17:30 we will also hear a lecture given by Risto Vuorimies, where he tells stories from the days of Love Records and his encounters with iconic Finnish rockers. Admission to the event is free - welcome!
Opening hours
The exhibition is open during the regular opening hours of cultural centre Cruselli:
Mon-Wed 10-16 | Thu 10-18 | Fri 10-16
In addition, the exhibition is open during the intermissions of events held in Cultural centre Cruselli.