Workout stairs

maisemakuva kuntoportaista kesällä

Veneranta 4
23500 Uusikaupunki

Located in the Ykskoivu area, near the Sorvako jogging path. The nearest parking lot is at Veneranta 4.
Technical data and equipment
  • 62 steps
  • Varying step heights and steepness
  • The total height of the stairs is about 9.3 metres and total lenght is 43 meters
  • Smaller stairs with 18 steps, total height 2,9 meters and total lenght abotu 8 meters

The workout stairs in the Ykskoivu area close to the Sorvakko jogging path have 62 steps with varying step heights and steepness. The total height of the stairs is about 9.3 metres and total length is 43 metres.

kuntoportaiden rappusten korkeuserot ja maisemakaltevuus