Multilingual pupil in basic education

Preparatory education for basic education (VALMO)

Preparatory education for basic education is intended for all pre-primary and primary school-age children and young people with a migrant background who do not yet have the necessary linguistic skills to engage in standard pre-primary or primary education. The goal of preparatory education is to improve the Finnish or Swedish language skills of the student as well as to provide them with other study skills necessary for pre-primary or basic education.

Finnish as a Second Language and Literature (S2)

In basic education, the language needs of students with a migrant background are taken into account by offering the students the opportunity to study Finnish as a second language. The aim is for all students to achieve such basic language skills that they are able to function and study in their surrounding language community in equal terms with the other students.

Linguistically supported teaching (KIETU)

Linguistically supported teaching is a form of support for students who still face challenges in studying subjects in Finnish. The aim is to achieve the learning objectives of the curriculum while focusing on key concepts.