Iikka Kivi - Erityinen luontosuhde

Kulttuurikeskus Cruselli, Kullervontie 11A, 23500 Uusikaupunki

Piirroskuva, jossa stand up -koomikko puhuu metsän eläimille ja taustalla on metsä, jonka puut on hakattu.

Comedian Iikka Kivi's sharp humor pen has sprayed forth the eagerly anticipated "Special Nature Relationship" stand-up solo performance for the fall of 2024!

As the atmosphere tightens and divisions deepen, it's important to remember that one thing is common to us all: Finnish nature.

Iikka's stand-up solo show "Special Nature Relationship" awakens Finns to experience, cherish, and protect their own relationship with nature, and asks how the descendants of bear fellers became stressed-out electric scooter riders from barnacle geese.

In this cheerfully prickly performance, a wide range of Finnish creatures appear, from dwindling crested tits to greatly increasing summer cottage dwellers. Although the topic is serious and the state of nature is poor, the performance doesn't focus on preaching or wagging the finger of blame, but rather aims primarily to inspire, find solutions, and encourage people to find their own relationship with nature.

Iikka Kivi's solo "Spede is Dead," performed to sold-out audiences, was seen in 2019. The new solo has been awaited like spring migrants in the midst of late winter!

Age limit: K16

Language: Finnish


The basic ticket price is 29.00 euros, and there are reduced prices for retirees, students, and the unemployed. You can buy tickets in advance online or at the Crusell Cultural Center (Kullervontie 11A), tel. 050 420 5401.