Kalanti library

Kalanti Libary is closed 29.6. - 28.7. No self-service hours during this period.
Kalanti library is a local library that partially functions as a self-service library. During self-service hours, the library space, user computers and library collections may be accessed by users, even if there is no personnel present at the facilities.
During the self-service hours, users can enter the library with their personal Vaski library card and PIN code.
- Your identification number is the same as the one you use when renewing loans or borrowing material online.
- You can get your identification number from the library (bring your library card and an ID with a photo with you)
- Minors' identification numbers may be obtained by a guardian
Self-service library policies
- If the personnel hasn't arrived yet, that day's newspapers can be found under the post box in the library’s entrance hall.
- There is a self-service machine for borrowing and returning material.
- When returning an item, the material is sorted according to the machine’s notification either into the return cart or a reserved material box located under the machine.
- You can also pick up material you have reserved during self-service hours. Received reservations can be found next to the self-service machine.
- Possible payments can only be made when there is personnel present. You can also make payments in the online library.
- During self-service hours, no general meetings nor public events as referred to in the Assembly Act (1247 / 1999) may be organised in the library, unless they have been separately agreed with the library.
- The ending of self-service hours will be announced. After that, the library's alarm system will be activated.
- When entering and leaving the self-service library, users must ensure that they have closed the door properly.
Kalanti library also offers
- Wireless internet connection
- Supplementary reading material for schools
- Raimon Kammari exhibition space
- Kalanti local archives, including F.M. Karrakoski archives