14.4.2023 07:00
Uusikaupunki culture survey: how to take part!
Take part in a survey about the use of cultural services in Uusikaupunki! The answers to the survey will be used to improve the quality and accessibility of cultural services.
The survey includes themes concerning general cultural services, the museum, and the library. All citizens of Uusikaupunki can take part in the survey, as can people who visit Uusikaupunki from other municipalities and cities. Especially people who don’t consider themselves active participants in cultural services are particularly welcome to take part in the survey. Answering takes circa 10 minutes of your time.
• You can take part in the survey 14.4.-31.5.2023
• You can participate either online at https://link.webropol.com/s/uusikaupunki-culturesurvey or by filling out a paper form. Paper forms can be found in Uusikaupunki and Kalanti libraries, the mobile library, the museum, cultural centre Cruselli, swimming hall and service point Passari.
• You can also take part in a draw in which you can win culture-related prizes if you so wish.